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KEYS Adult Caterpillars Egg Pupa Abdomen Antennae Compound eyes Forewing Head Hindwing Proboscis Thorax Blues Browns Coppers Purples Sulphurs Wood Nymph Admirals Angle Wing Birdwing Brushfoot Buckeye Cabbage Checkerspot Danaine Fritillary Gossamer-Winged Graylings Green Veined Hackberry Haristreak Jezebel Metalmark Monarch Mourning Cloak Painted Lady Satyr Skipper Speckled Wood Swallowtail Viceroy Apple Atlas Begong Carpenter Clothes Codling Cotton bollworm Emperor Gum Flannel Ghost Grease Gypsy Imperial Indianmeal IO Luna Madagascan Sunset Magpie Peppered Silkworm Sphinx Tiger Underwing Wax White Witch